Does Science Really Conflict with the Bible?

By | August 24, 2024

Proverbs 1:5 “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:”

Articles have been appearing online lately that are sure to cause some questions about the Bible and Christianity. I want to answer some of them from a Bible perspective.

The question of agreement between science and the Bible has been an issue for centuries and will not stop any time soon. Here are four things you must know about this topic.

  1. The Bible is not a Science textbook and does not claim to be

At any place where the Bible refers to science, it has been proven to be scientifically correct. The prophet Isaiah, who lived about 700 years before Christ, told us that the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22).

The very first chapter of the Bible says that a living thing can only give birth to the same kind, although there are variations within those kinds. It means that a dog will always give birth to a dog – never to a fish. Although there are variations within a species, it can naturally never produce anything from another species.

Some scientists, although not outspoken about it, credit God as the only possible explanation for recent discoveries. They may not yet be professing Christians, but they do not deny God, either.

  1. Science and Archeology have not caught up to the bible yet

Even though some scientists and archeologists claim that the Bible is inaccurate in some of its statements, it simply means that these branches have not yet discovered what they need to know. For many years, archeologists denied the existence of the Hittites, it was later proven that they did exist and that they were a powerful empire – just like the Bible said.

  1. There is a very large body of scientific literature showing that Creation has a strong basis

There are several groups of believing scientists who are working to show the scientific reason to believe in Creation and its plausibility. Many of them went to the same institutions as their atheistic counterparts and have the same degrees. They also produce much literature in print and online. For more information about the Institute for Creation Research, visit

  1. It is my strong belief that Christians who have doubts about the Bible need to look at what the Scriptures says about itself and read more evidence supporting it.

There is plenty of information available (apologetics), but more Christians need to be aware of it and read it carefully. They also need to read their Bible regularly and believingly because it is the source of faith.

Several books you could read include books by Josh McDowell, who has written many books showing evidence that the Bible, Christ, and Christianity are true and valid for today. Three books are Evidence That Demands a Verdict, A Ready Defense, and More Than a Carpenter.

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