Christian, Are You Traveling on the Broad Way or the Narrow?

By | May 26, 2022

Only one way will get you to the desired destination!

Matthew 7:13,14 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

So many people today are looking for the easy way to do things. With many things being instant and people having a thirst for speed, it is little wonder that expectations and desires for things to be fast and easy are all around us.

With that in mind, salvation should not be one of them. I have met many professing believers that think they have salvation because of a quick prayer that they made some time ago. Certainly, a quick prayer of the right kind can result in salvation – there is no denying it here; but if it did not result in a change in the life – it most likely did not count.

The primary consideration as to whether someone is going to Heaven is what they do after making a profession. Works cannot earn salvation – but they sure can reveal what you have on the inside. Jesus’ words have never changed: “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” (vs. 16).

Jesus said that those who are traveling on the “broad” road – the popular religion of the day – the easy one that involves little if any cost – are headed for destruction (Hell). The way of salvation is the way of the Cross. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, paid the sin debt so that we do not need to. Trusting in anything else or adding to what Jesus did is the “broad way.” Faith in Christ alone is the narrow way and “few there be that find it.” Once on that way – by faith – it leads to (eternal) “life.”

The key to being on the “narrow” way is that it is the way the Bible prescribes. So many people mistakenly think that they are on the right way but they have never carefully determined what the Bible really teaches about how to be saved. They have let someone else interpret it for them – possible even religious leaders. This is why so few will ever find the “narrow” way – even though they may have several Bibles and go to church regularly.

Christian – are you sure you are in the “narrow” way? If not, follow this link to learn more about Bible salvation.

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