Bible Guidelines for 2023

By | January 9, 2023

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

The media has been saying over and over that from an economic viewpoint, 2023 is not apt to be much better than 2022. While many people have suffered some loss last year, the Christian does not need to be so concerned about it.

People of this world build their lives and comfort levels on the things they possess. There is no doubt that having things does make a more comfortable life here, but it cannot give peace of mind and soul.

According to Matthew 6:33, the believer’s job in 2023 is the same as last year – to do His will. It has never changed. Just because the world will be more watchful over their pennies and activities this year, it is not the task of the believer. Since God is not any less in control, we need to continue to trust His faithfulness to His promises and be as faithful as we can in return. He ever watches over His own and provides abundant grace when needed.

The above verse states that if we seek His will and the promotion of His Kingdom above all else, that He will take care of your needs. Since God knows all your needs before you even ask, this verse is a most blessed declaration.

Christians can panic if they build their wealth on the stock market, mutual funds, CDs, real estate, etc. But when you build your wealth on eternal riches in Heaven, remember that no economic downturn can affect them – neither can any storm (inflation, stock market crash, etc.) destroy them.

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