Believing the Whole Word of God

By | July 21, 2022

Psalm 119:128 “Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.”

Among believers, there is a general agreement that the Bible is the Word of God. Understanding this is a great start. Once you start digging a little deeper, however, this claim of faith is too often seen to be less than rock solid.

While some of the teachings about Christ are generally believed, other plain teachings in the Bible are downplayed – because they are too difficult for some to believe. Thank God that the Bible does not need man’s acceptance or approval to be true.

The very first verse in the Bible is disputed among many. In spite of their unbelief in a literal seven-day creation, God’s power is not limited – nor is the Bible false in its declarations.

One reason that some people cannot accept the whole Bible is because they have a very small God. A big God – one that the Bible reveals – is certainly big enough to create a universe and human beings.

The Bible is a single unit. It is impossible to tamper with part of it and leave the rest unscathed. God takes notice, too, and He has declared that it is not to be tampered with (Rev. 22:18,19).

David did not have any difficulty in believing all of the Bible that he had. It included all the books of Moses – the first five books of the Bible – and more. Because he, and others, believed God, they were able to see God do great things.

Are you seeing God do great things in your life because of faith in His rich promises?

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