America: The Land of the Free

By | July 4, 2024

Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.”

America is still the greatest nation on earth. Personally, this July 4th, I am glad to be an American and I enjoy having the freedoms we currently have.

I have served four years in the Armed Forces and still appreciate seeing the red, white, and blue. It is precious to me.

Some people are leaving this country for what they think is greener grass. I doubt it. I have been in several European countries, and I still think America is beautiful and better than most other countries – but it is having some problems now that need much prayer.

A greater freedom came when I repented of my sin and trusted Christ to be my Savior many years ago. That transaction gave me spiritual freedom from the penalty of sin and made me a child of the King of kings. Wow – talk about a rich inheritance!

As a Christian, America gives us the freedom to worship God openly and apply His principles to our lives. We can have and read the Bible – and proclaim it. We can worship God as our Bibles tell us to. It was for these freedoms that the pilgrims left their homelands and came to the shores of America many years ago.

At other times and in other nations, these freedoms are limited or may not exist at all. Christians may pay a price to worship and serve God, and they may have to do it alone. Thank God that it is not that way here – yet.

I wonder, how many of you that read this can say that you are gladly using the freedoms our land gives you and are serving God with all your hearts? Sad to say, our land can no longer be called “Christian” – and it certainly does not set a high standard and example any more for other nations to see what happens when our Almighty God blesses it.

God blesses the nation and people that truly worships Him – are you one of them?

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