A Veteran’s Day Tribute

By | November 11, 2023

To me, it has been an honor to have served in the US military. In my case, I served four years in the USMC during the last couple of years of the Viet Nam era. Although I did not go to Nam, I certainly met many who did – both while I was in and since that time.

Many veterans paid a heavy price and their bodies and minds continue to be marked by what they did, what they saw, and what they experienced. Those who served in other wars and military actions have also paid a price.

Unfortunately, for some the price was too high – and the suicide rate among veterans shows it. Through the years, many have died defending the freedoms in our great country America – and the freedoms of peoples in other countries. Servicemen and servicewomen have lost limbs or are in frequent agonizing pain and have lived with it for years.

It certainly is time to thank a veteran for their service. Some veterans need more help and a kind word today could encourage them and help them to continue to stand tall for their country and the freedoms we all enjoy. They paid a price to be in the military – not knowing what would happen when they went in – or where they might go.

Fellow veterans – thank you for your service and sacrifice. I hope you feel appreciated today.

Of course, as a preacher, I must also take a moment to honor the Captain of my salvation – Jesus Christ. He went to battle with the forces of evil to redeem the world from sin and its horrible consequences. Sin has left its mark on all of us, but, thank God, all of us can be redeemed if you will only believe on Christ and His costly payment for you.

Do you know Him as your Savior? Follow the link to learn more about salvation.

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