A Supposed Lack of Evidence for Bible Beliefs

By | August 26, 2024

Psalm 119:128 “Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.”

An article that appeared online claims that many Christians stopped claiming to be Christians because of a so-called lack of evidence for it. The truth may be that they do not know where to look for it.

When people want to know where to find answers today, most of them will either go to the library or go online. Either source can provide misleading information, but a discerning mind can find the truth.

It is true that some questions that may spring from the Bible cannot yet be answered. Some are so trivial that they do not matter. Many issues have been solved – especially when you understand that there are no contradictions in the Bible. In most cases, the Bible provides solutions to seeming problems in other Scripture passages.

The problem that some people have with the Bible is that they do not like what they do understand. They may also find that Christianity does not provide an easy path, so they look for a way out.

In the Bible text for today, God, Who inspired the Bible, said that everything the Bible teaches is truth – whether we understand it or not. God’s mind is so much higher than ours, that it should not be surprising that we have difficulty with some things He said – but that does not make them untrue.

When it comes to evidence, there are many hundreds of books written by believing scientists and archeologists that help verify Bible truths. Archeological digs in Israel are verifying Bible truths all the time.

It seems to me that when a person says there is a lack of evidence, that the truth is that they did not really look very far to find answers. Several good books have been written by Christian lawyers and they say that their evidence would stand up in any court.

If you really want more evidence, there is a field of study called Christian apologetics. You can find them online or in a large library. Get these books by believers for starters:

  • Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell
  • Evidence for Christianity, by Josh McDowell
  • The Case for Christ, by Lee Stroebel
  • Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible, by John Haley.

Finally, make sure you are saved, then, get in a church that teaches the Bible and read the Bible every day.

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