A Secret to Getting Answers to Prayer

By | July 23, 2024

John 15:7 “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

Although some people may wonder about it, God answers prayer. He has never stopped, but He may not answer all prayers in the affirmative.

The Word of God tells believers that prayer is a privilege of God’s children, but they are also expected and even commanded to do so.

The verse above reveals that two things are required if you want answers to prayer. Of course, the first thing is that you must be a child of God. This is a choice that you have made to turn from sin, call on God, admit that you are a sinner, and then trust Christ Who paid the price for your sin, to forgive and save you.

Then, we are told that God hears our prayers when we abide in Him. The word “abide” means to stay close to, not leave. Live consciously in His presence. People that would abide close to a holy God must be surrendered to Him and be willing to do His will.

A second requirement is that we must be focused on His Word. We must always be thinking about His Word. It does not mean that we do not think about anything else, since when we are at work, we are expected to be focused on the tasks given to us. That is the only way we can do our best. But when we are at a break, or have a few moments, our minds should naturally go back to thinking about the Word of God.

The only way that is possible is to have some Scripture memorized. That way, you can think about the Word at will, and not have to have a Bible in your hands. The primary reason God wants us to focus on the Word is because God answers prayers according to his will – which is revealed in His Word.

Once our minds are focused on His Word and will, then, and only then, can we ask for things that He is likely to answer. Do His words abide in you?

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