A Complete Justification

By | August 23, 2024

Acts 13:39 “And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.”

The Apostle Paul once again makes it clear that salvation is by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. The verse also makes it clear that the justification is from “all things” – past, present, and future.

Salvation is so simple that anyone that has heard the Gospel can be saved. It includes children, teens, adults, and seniors. It is equally available to everyone, revealing the mercy and fairness of God.

If salvation were not able to justify us from “all things,” there is no way that any of us could be saved. Jesus Christ paid the full debt of all our sin on the Cross, leaving nothing unpaid. His words on the Cross, “It is finished,” means that the full debt of our sin has been completely paid.

Salvation cannot depend on anything we do (Moses’ Law) because we are still sinners and have not arrived yet at perfection – neither will we this side of glory. As always, someone may ask, does it mean, then, that once we are saved that we can live anyway we want?

Absolutely not. The person who is truly saved will be both grateful and willing to serve Christ because they have been forgiven so much. We also are given a new nature that can serve Him.

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