Getting the Victory You Need

By | March 15, 2023

II Corinthians 2:14a “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ,”

In recent years, this Bible verse has become one of my favorite. I often mention it as I preach in different places as a challenge to others and certainly need to remind myself of it as well.

This verse has several key things we need to notice today:

  1. We need to be thankful to God for any and all victories we enjoy.
  2. God is the Author of all victories we have. They come to us because of Christ and through Him. In the flesh, we have no power to get victory over sin and live the way God wants us to live.
  3. Note the word “always.” He is more than capable of always giving you and me the victory – if we constantly look to Him for it. It tells me that when you need victory, He is always willing to give it – but we need to walk close to Him for it and resist (not think about it – but do it) the world, the flesh, and the Devil.
  4. The end result of the victory He gives is a triumph over sin and the Devil. Victory is needed every hour of every day and we must depend on Him for it. It is not a partial victory while we look to Him for it in faith. Most often it is a question of whether or not we really want it and if you try to get victory in the flesh or let God help you.

Christian, let me encourage you to claim this Bible promise and go to God when you face temptation. Start getting the kind of victory God wants you to have.

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