The Solution to Anxiety

By | January 28, 2023

Psalm 34:9,10 “O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.”

There are many things in our world that could be a source of anxiety today. Just watching the news or seeing what is taking place around us offers plenty of reason to be concerned about something.

The Christian, however, does not need to be anxious. We have many promises in the Scriptures that reveal that God is faithful to His children and wants to help them.

The solution starts with the “fear of God.” This does not refer to a dread of God or of being punished by Him if you step out of line. He loves His children that have been born by the new birth.

What God wants is for you to respect and honor Him – not just with your words – but to show Him you are His servant, you love Him, and are obeying Him. Once that matter is settled, He takes care of the rest.

Your needs will be met. He promises that “for there is no want to them that fear him.” It means that you will have all you need for daily life. It does not mean you will have all you want.

In case you are not sure what God meant by the first “no want” – God repeats the idea in the same verse: “they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.” This is strong assurance to every believer that He will take care of you.

He mentions that even lions – as strong as they are – sometimes go hungry. You, however – child of God – are cared for by your Heavenly Father, and He can provide for you much better than even lions can provide for themselves.

Instead of looking to your own ability to provide, why not confess the anxiety and start looking to God in faith? He can and will provide as long as you serve Him because He loves you.

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