Who Rides the White Horse in Revelation 6?

By | September 9, 2022

Revelation 6:2 “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

The book of Revelation remains a mystery to many people, but even so, Bible prophecy continues to draw many people to it. The current world situation has more people wondering about it, because it appears that the world is getting ready for those horrible days predicted in it.

In Revelation 6, there is a mention of a white horse with a rider on it. Some people are quick to say that it is Christ because the horse is white.

The person riding the horse in this chapter is not the Lord Jesus Christ – the King of glory – but an imposter. He is the anti-christ. His identity can easily be discerned by the timing, looking at the verse, the events following his arrival, and other passages in Revelation.

  1. The Time

This white horse comes after the church has been taken at the Rapture, which occurred in Revelation 4:1. Note that the church is not mentioned again until Revelation chapter 19. The event in Revelation 6 takes place at the start of the Tribulation.

  1. The Description

He rides a white horse because he wants people to think he is the real Christ. He has a bow (not a rainbow) but no arrows – implying he comes in peace. He will make a peace treaty with Israel – but will break it after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:26,27). Although he wears a crown, it does not say that God gave it to him.

  1. The Events Following His Arrival

The rider on the white horse in Revelation 6 soon goes forth “conquering, and to conquer.” This occurs in the second half of the Tribulation – after he reveals his true nature.

  1. Other Passages in Revelation

When Christ comes back to earth from Heaven, He will be followed by the army of the saints – also riding white horses (Rev. 19:11-15). His weapon is not a bow – but a “sword proceeded out of his mouth” (Rev. 19:21). Also, He does not come to make peace – but to destroy all those who have not made peace with God through faith in His blood. Christ is also wearing “many crowns” – not just one (Rev. 19:12).

Christ meets the nations of the earth assembled against Him (by the first rider on the white horse) at Armageddon – and destroys them all. Then, He sets up the Millennial Kingdom for believers.

If you want more information about the amazing book of Revelation, you can learn much more from my book: World Out of Time & a New One Coming. Just follow the link to learn more about how you can get this book that looks at every verse in Revelation.

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