Prayer: A Key to Growing in Faith and Love for God

By | June 4, 2022

Psalm 116:1,2 “I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.”

The above verse testifies of a principle of Christian growth. It reveals that there is a strong connection between prayer and your love for God. Failing to spend time in prayer is the cause of many believers turning from the faith and ceasing to live for God.

The more that a believer in Christ prays and talks to God, the greater the opportunity there is for growth in love to God. As you can see from the verse, the growth can come from seeing answers to your prayers.

The answers that will help you the most are those that come in response to very specific prayers – not general ones. When you only pray generally, you can never be sure whether God answered your prayer or someone else’s.

Before the answers to prayers will come, there needs to be close fellowship with God. Our relationship with God is built by time in the Word and prayer, and obedience. As you read the Bible, confession of sin is important as you find things that you should not be doing, and an application of things the Bible reveals you ought to do.

As things are subtracted and added to your life in accordance with the Bible, you will be able to see more and more answers to prayer. Avoid letting your prayers become a list of things you want. God wants you to get to know Him. He is so much more than a Santa Claus. Be sure to include a time of worship, including praise and thanksgiving, confession, and prayer for others.

Prayer needs to be two-way communication. It is this factor that will help enable you to be and stay strong in Christ. Victory is impossible without it. It is just as important that you take time to listen to God’s still small voice – or you may miss His directions for your life or for any situation.

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