Is a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate the Mark of the Beast?

By | September 28, 2021

Many people are wondering if the mandate for a COVID-19 vaccine could possibly be the mark of the beast. Some people are connecting the two because it is being forced on certain groups of people by the government.

For those who want to know what the mark of the beast really involves, read the Bible in Revelation 13:15-18. The Bible account of the “beast” (an individual and the government system behind him) describes a much different scenario than what is being mandated with the vaccine.

Even though the current and expanding vaccine mandate is placing some limitations on large groups of people, it is not the mark of the beast. When that individual – the antichrist (the “beast”) – comes on the world scene, the true believers will already have been taken at the Rapture to Heaven.

Although governments around the world are certainly placing more and more restrictions on their citizens because of COVID-19, it is not the mark of the beast. What is happening, however, is undoubtedly preparing the world soon for such a system.

When the antichrist does appear, he will first appear as Christ – a false one. The monetary system identified in the Bible as “666” will not be mandated until 3.5 years after his appearance. There is likely going to be a growing number of restrictions by governments worldwide that will restrict people more and more – all in preparation for the ultimate financial control.

It needs to be remembered that what is happening now is being allowed by God in preparation for the Tribulation period. This period of time will be characterized by people who reject God’s Word, His Laws, and His only Savior – Jesus Christ. Because they reject Him, God will give them what they want and deserve – the antichrist. For this reason, taking the mark will also most likely be linked to a definite decision of serve the antichrist and reject the Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, the followers of the antichrist will openly follow the Devil once the mark has been given. Unfortunately, taking his mark also means an eternity in Hell.

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