Amos 3:3 “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
Every marriage knows that agreement between two people must be present if there is to be a happy and lasting union between husband and wife. A strain occurs on the relationship when disagreements arise.
The strain can be mild or severe, but it will result in a hindrance to a loving relationship. One or both people are less likely to want to do things for the other during those times.
The same occurs in a believer’s relationship with God. It must be remembered that He cannot change. He is always the same and has the same expectations for each one of His children. Just as parents are more likely to bless obedient children – so does our Father.
God is ready to bless any born-again child of His when they seek to be pleasing to Him. Those who want to go their own way will find that their relationship with the Father is strained and cannot expect to be blessed the same as a faithful child.
In I John 3:22, we are told that God enjoys answering the prayers and needs of those who obey Him: “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.”
Many Christians are aware that God wants His people to go to church faithfully, tithe, witness, love their neighbor, pray, etc. – but they disagree with God and are not interested in doing those things. No wonder many are not blessed and do not get their prayers answered. There is a severe strain in the relationship.
God’s faithful people enjoy His blessings, His inner peace, and His answers to prayer. They also enjoy fellowship with Him as they walk together.
Is your walk with Him as close as it could be? If not, today would be a good day to agree with Him, confess sin, and start doing things His way. He will gladly help you.