Having No Condemnation

By | August 12, 2024

Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

Although Paul talks about sin still being present within – it remains in every believer for now – there is victory in Christ. Every Christian has two laws, or principles, operating within.

There is the law of sin (Ro. 7:23) and there is the law of God (Ro. 7:25), and both want to reign within our hearts and minds. Even though sin sometimes gets the upper hand when yielded to, sin cannot condemn the believer to Hell.

Continuing in known sin, however, can bring the judgment (chastening) of God on your life. He has one primary goal for every believer – to conform you to the likeness of His Son.

Walking in the Spirit, Paul says, has no condemnation. God is pleased when we do so because He is able to work on us and through us when we are yielded to Him.

Paul tells us that the Spirit-led life is the blessed life because it has no guilt associated with it. It also is a life free of God’s chastening or withholding of His blessings.

The word “condemnation” in the New Testament does not always mean damnation to Hell. A good example of this can be seen in James 3:1, where it says, “My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.”

A “master” is a teacher. Notice the two words “brethren” and “we.” He is clearly talking to believers. The “condemnation” they might receive is that of guilt and chastening because of failing to do what they know.

Another example of “condemnation” that does not refer to damnation is seen in I John 3:20,21: “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.” Here, the word “condemn,” which occurs twice, means to accuse or blame.

When we sin, Romans 8:1 tells us that we do not need to stop serving God because of guilt. Nor do we ever need to think that God will not forgive us if we sincerely are sorry for our sin and are ready to start afresh. If you sin, get forgiveness quickly and move on. Surrender anew and ask for a fresh filling of the Spirit to serve Him. He loves you and will help you continue.

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