Seeking God? or Not?

By | July 26, 2024

Psalm 10:4 “The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.”

Before the Flood of Noah’s day, the Bible tells us that mankind (except Noah and his family) had completely corrupted themselves. All their thoughts were only evil continually (Gen. 6:5). Because of it, God wanted to start over.

The above verse in the Psalms reveals that the heart of most people has not changed since then. Many people still do not seek after God. Unfortunately, many Christians do not much, either.

Prayer has become foreign to many believers, so is going to church, and reading the Bible. Witnessing, for many, is out of the question.

The result is that there is not much difference between some professing believers and the unsaved. The cause of not seeking God – pride! It is the same sin that caused Satan to fall from glory. They have become self-sufficient – so they think.

Christian, do you seek after God? Do you feel a need for Him and His blessing in your life? Or, have you become like the wicked – who never seek after or give much thought to God in your day (which He graciously gave you)?

God still blesses those who think on Him often and seek to do His will. If you are saved, why not put yourself on the side of the righteous and give up the way of the wicked before He must chasten? You can start by confessing sin to Him and spending time in the Word every day – and doing what you learn.

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