
By | February 7, 2024

Exodus 4:1 “And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say,”

So many people today that could serve and make a difference in a church and workplace do nothing but offer excuses as to why they cannot do the will of God. Moses did the same thing.

In the above verse, and in the verses following, Moses offered several excuses and God answered each one showing that God was not concerned about his inability (or perceived inability) to do what God wanted. What Moses did not realize, which is the same thing that Christians today must realize, is that it does not matter who or what you are for God to use you.

The only thing you need to understand is that God makes no mistakes. It is true because those people that God directs to do some aspect of His work He also equips for the task. It is why excuses are irrelevant.

I have known some pastors and teachers who say that they ran from God’s calling for years. What a tragedy! They regret that decision and have lost many rewards because of it. But now, they thank God for His leading and have truly learned that His will is perfect, good, and acceptable (Romans 12:1,2).

Although Moses tried several excuses, none of them were significant because God has unlimited power and wisdom. God knew the best person for the task. Once Moses started to be willing, God helped him with some miraculous signs – turning his staff into a snake, making his hand leprous and then healing it, and pouring out plain water and getting blood.

As we serve God to the best of our ability, we also will have occasion to see God do some amazing things. God is simply looking for some people to use that will glorify Him and let Him do His work through them.

Are you willing? What is your excuse for not serving God?

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