Going On in God’s Strength

By | August 16, 2021

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Today’s world has brought about a lot of uncertainty. Many people are panicking and fearful because of COVID, more possible shutdowns, and economic situations.

The disciples also experienced great fear when Jesus sent them out into a lake and a terrible storm came (Mt. 14). They had tried hard to get to the other side of this small lake. They did not yet understand that even though Jesus was not physically with them, that His power was not limited to His physical presence. Because they could not see Him, they felt that He could not help them in their present distress.

As soon as Jesus approached them while walking on the water toward them, He told them: “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid” (Jn. 14:27). These words immediately brought cheer and joy to their hearts – just as they can bring those same things to the child of God’s heart today.

Instead of panicking and feeling like things are out of control, you can be sure that God knows what is happening. Remember that God is not the One that puts fear in your heart – that is the devil’s work (“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” II Tim. 1:7).

The apostle Paul experienced a lot of trouble in his life as he served God. In spite of it, he penned the words of today’s text: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Christian, this verse means that because God is with you and in you – that whatever God wants you to do – you can do with His help. He loves and blesses those who do His will. He is also going to give you the enablement to do it as well.

In response to Jesus’ appearance on the water, Peter became so excited about seeing Jesus, that he completely forgot about the storm. Then, he asked Jesus to let him walk to Jesus on the water – which he did for a few moments. Of course, he did it with God’s power. This reveals that God can help you in whatever situation you are in today – if you are seeking to do His will. Getting with Him in the prayer closet will help you “see” Jesus in your spirit and He will take away your fear and replace it with His peace.

Christian, have you asked Him today to help you not be fearful and to continue to trust Him?

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