power over sin – Bible Truth for Today https://101info.org Brother Mike Valles Sat, 21 May 2022 20:54:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 192660109 The Many Benefits and Blessings God Gives His Children Everyday https://101info.org/the-many-benefits-and-blessings-god-gives-his-children-everyday/ https://101info.org/the-many-benefits-and-blessings-god-gives-his-children-everyday/#respond Sat, 21 May 2022 20:54:36 +0000 https://101info.org/?p=2919 Read More »]]> Psalm 103:3-5 “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

This morning I was once again reminded of God’s many blessings to His children. I love to remind myself of them every day and thank Him for them. This passage is especially helpful in recalling them. Here is a look at these verses.

“Who forgiveth all thine iniquities” – The first and greatest blessing anyone could have is the forgiveness of sins and salvation. Without His mercy and forgiveness no one could ever go to Heaven. Thank God for the work of Christ for us on the Cross Who paid all of our debt so we could go free by simple faith in what He did for us.

“who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction” – The greatest disease of every human is sin. It is incurable and it is why all must die. Christ has healed us of this malady – that is, from the penalty of sin, which is the second death – which is Hell. He did so by giving us His righteousness and making us new creatures. At the same time, He has also enabled us though Him to have power over sin when we look to Him for it.

“who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies” – As we walk close to Him, we can see His blessings and workings in our lives. He shows us His mercy toward us in His protection, His deliverance, His nearness in relationship and fellowship – the relationship with Him truly grows sweeter every day!

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things” – It is God that gives us the things we enjoy every day. Truly, when we go to the store in America we find an incredible amount of choices of foods – basic and special. The best food, though, comes from His Word – since we cannot live by bread alone.

“so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s” – After we leave our daily cares with Him and seek to serve Him like He desires, it affects how we look in older years. People that are often stressed, or that abuse their bodies with substance abuse, look older than they really are (although some genes may play a part in that). After we cast all our cares on Him, He removes the stress and gives us inner peace – beyond anything that the world can give. Peace in the heart (Isaiah 26:3) produces calmness and a more youthful appearance.

One more way that we show our thanks is to obey Him. If we love Him, His commandments are not a problem. Going to church is one of those commandments (Hebrews 10:25). Will you be in church tomorrow?

Do you have these kinds of blessings? If so, have you thanked God for them? He would love to hear you talk to Him today and thank Him for the many – countless blessings He gives us every day.

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