Jesus – Bible Truth For Today Brother Mike Valles Sat, 08 Mar 2025 05:15:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 192660109 Salvation Comes Through Believing Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:30:00 +0000 Read More »]]> John 3:18 “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

God wanted to make salvation available to all people. Because “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), there had to be a sacrifice – but it could not have any sin of their own.

Only one Person could possibly qualify. God Himself came to our sinful and humble world. Jesus was that Sacrifice. To do so, He sent His Son to pay the cost for everyone’s sins, which He did on the Cross.

According to the above verse – and many others in the Bible – there is no one beyond being savable. The verse makes it clear that only believing on Jesus – that He paid your sin debt – and accepting that Gift for your personal salvation, is all that is needed for salvation.

As humans, we are more ready to forgive someone if they show some sincerity in their confession, along with an attitude of not committing the same offence again. God is the same way. Sin is the breaking of His law. When you are sorry for doing so, and want to please Him, He will forgive you – no matter how sinful your past has been.

The joy of believing on Jesus Christ to be your Savior is found in the first part of the verse: “He that believeth on him is not condemned.” Afterward, He is quite capable of helping you serve Him the way He wants.

What is preventing you from asking Him to save you from sin and Hell (condemnation) right now? Did you notice that the only sin that sends you to Hell because of your sin is not believing on Christ to be your Savior?

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