Hebrews 10:25 – Bible Truth for Today https://101info.org Brother Mike Valles Tue, 10 Oct 2023 04:58:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 192660109 More Doctrines to Stand On: The Doctrine of the Church https://101info.org/more-doctrines-to-stand-on-the-doctrine-of-the-church/ https://101info.org/more-doctrines-to-stand-on-the-doctrine-of-the-church/#respond Tue, 10 Oct 2023 11:30:49 +0000 https://101info.org/?p=13137 Read More »]]> Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

One doctrine that is being compromised today is the doctrine concerning the church. Many people no longer think it is of any importance or relevance.

Unfortunately, they are very wrong. The church is the only thing God is building today for believers on earth. The word means an assembly – or gathering. Over 100 times in the Bible the word “church” refers to a local assembly that meets together. It never refers to a building.

Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ died for His Bride – the Church. It is the Church that has been given the command to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” It is the church that He blesses when it follows Him, and it is the Church that Jesus is coming back for one day soon.

A church has two Biblical officers: pastors and deacons. Pastors are also called shepherds and bishops. Biblical pastors must always be men, because they must be “the husband of one wife” (I Timothy 3:2).

The church is not Israel or an extension of it. There is no connection between the two except that Christ is a descendant of David and the apostles were all Jewish. The Jews rejected the Messiah and church members were kicked out of the synagogues. The fact that the Church is a new and separate entity is the meaning of Jesus parable of the new wineskins (“bottles”) in Matthew 9:17. Israel will one day again be blessed by God when they recognize Christ at the Second Coming.

Some Christians may say they are members of the “universal church.” It is usually given as an excuse why they do not go to church. They never think about the fact that it has never met together, never baptized anyone, never collected an offering, never visited anyone, and never ordained anyone. Of course, it is only an excuse showing that they do not want to obey God – other things have become more important. Also, there is no way anyone can exercise their spiritual gifts if they do not go to church.

Here is what the Holy Spirit commands believers to do in relation to the local church: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). That “day” is almost here. Every believer needs to hear preaching and teaching, needs fellowship with other believers, and needs a place to serve. It is the way of blessing and joy. 

A believer is either obedient or disobedient. It is impossible to do both. Christian – do you need to get back in church? If there are problems with your old church, stop using it as an excuse – find a new one. Go to one that teaches the Word of God plainly and wants to see people saved? Why not start this coming Sunday?

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Labor Day Weekend Is Here: Will You Be in Church Tomorrow? https://101info.org/labor-day-weekend-is-here-will-you-be-in-church-tomorrow/ https://101info.org/labor-day-weekend-is-here-will-you-be-in-church-tomorrow/#respond Sat, 02 Sep 2023 11:30:17 +0000 https://101info.org/?p=12264 Read More »]]> Psalm 112:1 “Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.”

Many of you are traveling this weekend and hope to have a fun-filled trip. Taking a break from the routines of life is good and often very needed – as long as God is not left out.

As Christians, however, it should not be part of our plans to skip church. God never leaves us nor does He ever takes a day off – thank God for that. He is always there when we need Him.

Church attendance is often down on the holidays and this hurts the local church. The text verse mentions that the believer who wants to be blessed is not those who have good intentions, but those who actually “delight” in and obey His Word.

One of His commands deals with church attendance. Hebrews 10:25 says: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Note that this is a command and not a suggestion.

Also note that this verse says that we ought to be even more faithful to the “assembling” when we know that Christ is coming back soon. There is little doubt that it is very far away. Believers should be even more faithful now than ever. Another part of the command in this verse is that believers are to exhort (strongly encourage) other believers to be faithful and meet together.

How about it, Christian, will you be in church during this holiday? If so, you will have to make plans to do it and not leave it up to convenience.

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