fornicators – Bible Truth for Today Brother Mike Valles Sat, 05 Aug 2023 04:32:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 192660109 More Doctrines to Stand On – Judgment Sat, 05 Aug 2023 11:30:04 +0000 Read More »]]> After telling believers to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” in verse 3, Jude immediately reminds readers that even though wickedness abounds – God will judge all of them.

Although men (and some women) will bring false teachings into the church, note that he says that these “ungodly men” are “ordained to this condemnation.” In other words, just like beings of the past have not escaped God’s judgment for sin, modern day “ungodly men” – are sure not to escape it, either.

He tells them to remember God’s undeniable judgments in the past on the ungodly:

1. The ungodly unbelievers that He brought out of Egypt by Moses (vs. 5)
2. The fallen angels before the flood (vs. 6). It should also be remembered that God destroyed all flesh in the flood because of their sin – except for one family.
3. The ungodly fornicators (
a reference to all sexual sin outside of God’s ordained plan) of Sodom and Gomorrah (vs. 7)
4. Those that
“despise dominion” (authority) and are disrespectful of authorities – although we may not agree, we are to pray for them.

Jude further exposes the sins of these evil men attempting to bring corrupt doctrines into the church (“but these” [men]):

1. They speak evil of things they do not understand (vs. 10)
2. They only know things naturally (of the flesh) – making them no different than
“brute beasts” (they have no comprehension of real spiritual truth)
3. They corrupt themselves
4. They duplicate Balaam’s sin – compromise God’s truth for the sake of gain (vs. 11). (
Is this how false religious leaders gain their riches?).

Christian, it is a good idea to remind yourself of God’s attitude toward sin of any kind. He absolutely hates it. It took the death of God’s Son to reveal how much He hates it, but at the same time how much He loves us. May we honor Him by getting the victory over it with His help.

More and more, the world makes sin look like it is normal, desirable, and everybody does it – but none of it will escape His eye or judgment! Christians engaging in known sin will not be blessed for it! By God’s grace, determine to steer clear of it.

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