Tag Archives: favor

Sealed – but Grieving the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 4:30 “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” In my last post, I talked about the sealing of the Holy Spirit. Every true believer (yes, there are false believers – professors without works) is sealed at the moment of salvation. Even though the future… Read More »

Getting the Lord’s Favor on Your Life

Psalm 146:8 “the LORD loveth the righteous” Psalm 146 talks about how the Lord delights in helping people. This was especially seen when Christ was on earth in His many miracles. The chapter reveals many things that He does often. The Lord also delights in some people and shows them special favor and blessing. It… Read More »

The Angel’s Incredible Message to Mary

Luke 1:26-38 In the Bible’s record of how God came to earth, the Luke’s account of the Christmas story reveals that God sent the angel Gabriel to tell the virgin Mary what God was going to do. As Gabriel addresses Mary, he twice mentions (vss. 28,30) that she was “favored” by God. These words refer… Read More »