confident – Bible Truth for Today Brother Mike Valles Tue, 02 Nov 2021 04:58:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 192660109 Finding Comfort in a Dark Hour Tue, 02 Nov 2021 12:00:31 +0000 Read More »]]> I Corinthians 15:55 “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

Death is sure in this world. Funerals take place every day all around the world. Everyone reading this will one day yield up the ghost. For the believer that has died and for those believers that knew him or her that passed away, however, there is hope.

Just this past week, I was in a memorial service. My sister-in-law, who had COVID, died. Both my brother and his wife were saved and loved the Lord. They served in their local church in various ways and were a blessing to many.

For my surviving brother, there is hope. He knows very well that he will see her again in glory. He has calmness of heart and is confident – because of the plain teaching of the Bible – that the Lord took her home to Heaven. Yes, certainly there will be a time of grieving, which is natural, but hope is dominant. She has merely gone on ahead to a sure future with Christ.

For those who do not know the Lord and the Word of God, death is a tragedy. For the believer, there is calmness and hope – no sting of death. You see, the grave can only claim the body but not the spirit or soul. Because believers know that they will receive an immortal body one day – the grave has no victory. Christ makes the difference.

There is a great difference between the way believers and unbelievers view death. Believers understand that what Christ has done for us, enables us, like Paul, to be able to say: “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord” (II Corinthians 5:8). To the believer, death is but a doorway to a glorious and eternal future with Christ.

If you do not have such confidence when you or a loved one faces that dark hour, follow the link to learn more about Bible salvation.

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