666 – Bible Truth for Today https://101info.org Brother Mike Valles Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:33:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 192660109 Is a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate the Mark of the Beast? https://101info.org/is-a-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-the-mark-of-the-beast/ https://101info.org/is-a-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-the-mark-of-the-beast/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:33:13 +0000 https://101info.org/?p=270 Read More »]]> Many people are wondering if the mandate for a COVID-19 vaccine could possibly be the mark of the beast. Some people are connecting the two because it is being forced on certain groups of people by the government.

For those who want to know what the mark of the beast really involves, read the Bible in Revelation 13:15-18. The Bible account of the “beast” (an individual and the government system behind him) describes a much different scenario than what is being mandated with the vaccine.

Even though the current and expanding vaccine mandate is placing some limitations on large groups of people, it is not the mark of the beast. When that individual – the antichrist (the “beast”) – comes on the world scene, the true believers will already have been taken at the Rapture to Heaven.

Although governments around the world are certainly placing more and more restrictions on their citizens because of COVID-19, it is not the mark of the beast. What is happening, however, is undoubtedly preparing the world soon for such a system.

When the antichrist does appear, he will first appear as Christ – a false one. The monetary system identified in the Bible as “666” will not be mandated until 3.5 years after his appearance. There is likely going to be a growing number of restrictions by governments worldwide that will restrict people more and more – all in preparation for the ultimate financial control.

It needs to be remembered that what is happening now is being allowed by God in preparation for the Tribulation period. This period of time will be characterized by people who reject God’s Word, His Laws, and His only Savior – Jesus Christ. Because they reject Him, God will give them what they want and deserve – the antichrist. For this reason, taking the mark will also most likely be linked to a definite decision of serve the antichrist and reject the Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, the followers of the antichrist will openly follow the Devil once the mark has been given. Unfortunately, taking his mark also means an eternity in Hell.

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God Is Unchanging in His Plan for the Ages https://101info.org/god-is-unchanging-in-his-plan-for-the-ages/ https://101info.org/god-is-unchanging-in-his-plan-for-the-ages/#respond Sun, 01 Aug 2021 08:00:16 +0000 https://101info.org/?p=107 Read More »]]> Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

The things that God has prophesied that He would do in the future will certainly come to pass. There cannot be any variance in those plans from what He has said in the Bible. This is because He has told us that “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven” (Ps. 119:89).

This verse reveals that what is written in Scripture cannot be altered – because God does not change. His Word will never need any amendments or updates. It also cannot change.

Believers who know the Bible and are watching the times and events of our day, know that the world is getting ready for the last days. It is not the last days of the earth or of human existence, but the end of what is called the church age. The Bible gives many signs so that God’s people will know what to watch for as it gets closer.

The next period of time on God’s calendar is called The Tribulation. The rapture occurs just before this period of time begins. The Tribulation is a seven-year period that is broken into two periods of three-and-a-half years. God will permit the anti-christ to openly reign in the second three-and-a-half years, who will reveal his real nature during that time. This is when the number 666 comes into play. Those who take the number (a mark or tattoo of some kind that permits financial transactions) cannot be saved.

At the end of that seven-year period, the Lord Jesus Christ will put an end to the anti-christ and establish His personal 1,000 year reign from Jerusalem. Because God is faithful, the predicted future is sure and good for those who believe and serve Christ.

Exactly when the next event will occur – the rapture – cannot be known for certain – but it will occur in God’s perfect time. Nothing will delay it or speed it up. If you are not saved yet – it is time to get saved now. Do it today.

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