Salvation for All Is Through Christ

By | September 29, 2022

Romans 10:11-13 “Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

In these verses, the apostle Paul lays out several things about the good news of the Gospel. They are:

  1. The Key to Salvation

The way of forgiveness and salvation is through faith in Christ and what He did to save us. He died on the Cross to become our Substitute. The phrase “shall not be ashamed” means that those who believe on Christ for salvation will not be sorry or disappointed that they did.

  1. The Benefactors of the Gospel

Paul – a Jew – brought the message of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection primarily to the Gentiles (non-Jews). He pointed out that – to God – one group of people is no different than others to God because both groups need to be saved.

  1. Christ Blesses All Who Come

The above verse says that Christ (“Lord over all“) “is rich unto all that call upon him.” It means He does not bless one group more than another. Every individual has equal opportunity to be saved through faith in Christ. He will also give the same blessings to all who come: salvation and sonship, access to God, answers to prayer, provision, etc.

  1. Salvation Available Through Calling on Him

It is a common misconception that people think they must work for salvation. The above verses use the word “call” twice. Putting it in simple terms – it means all you need to do for salvation is to acknowledge your need to be saved, believe that He can and will save you when you “call,” and then ask Him (“call”) for salvation.

During Paul’s ministry, this was his message. Many were saved from spiritual darkness and sin, and brought into the glorious light of salvation through Christ. The good news is that you can be saved the exact same way.

Have you ever called on Him to save you? Why not do it right now?

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