Philippians 2:3,4 “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
When writing to the church at Philippi, Paul knew that there was some arguing and strife taking place in the congregation. Of course, these things are not God’s plan for His people, so Paul provided some reminders and instruction about proper Chrisian behavior.
In the flesh, it is natural to boost ourselves and our reputation. We naturally love to tell others how we are better or have done bigger things than those around us.
Paul told this church that we are to put away these attitudes and elevate or consider the brother or sister better than ourselves. We are not to look down on them.
Instead, we are to seek to help that person become richer in Christ. To do so, we need to pray for them and encourage them to grow in Christ and be faithful to Him when we can. We must do it in humility – not pride.
Developing this attitude takes prayer, time in the Word, and asking God for love for others more than ourselves. We must be able to see others as Christ sees them, and only then can we minister to their needs in a Christ-like way.
It is quite possible that our intentions may not be welcomed, but we are to try. It is also necessary, Paul says, to avoid strife and self-glory while trying to do so.